Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12th - 7:00pm

The weather was clearer today but significantly colder than yesterday. I stayed home and rode with Rodrigo all morning. We walked each of them over to the covered again and schooled. Its still very weird to just ride directly through the barn. Ive seen Martin do it here but figured it was just because it was his barn. Guess its just an accepted thing too. I guess Ive been warned so many times about riding under low things/into barns that it really throws me. Like the lack of breakaway anything. Every horse Ive seen here wears an old ratty nylon halter. And most of them have a short length of nylon tied directly to the halter as the leadrope. Or a piece of chain. Anything seems to go. And they're cross tied or straight tied directly to a metal ring or metal pole. Our crossties at home use quick release snaps but I don't think thats the norm. And haven't seen a quick release knot used anywhere. Worries me everytime I tie something but thankfully nothing has pulled back! I think its like good ground manners. The expectation is that everything behaves and any that don't are quickly corrected. As a result nothing here bites or kicks, they're all respectful of your space and are easy to work around. And for the most part these are young mares and stallions! Gives me something to think about for horses at home. The zangershied horse auction was today and Id hoped to be able to go but with the clinic and horses to be worked there just wasn't time. The La Tatabra auction in next week though and hopefully Ill be able to see some of that. Bernie leaves on Monday and fingers crossed the rain will stay away so life can get back to normal here at the farm! Will be fun to see what normal is here!

Photos of Zangershied and La Tatabra auction booklets and Violeta demanding attention while I write.

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